Example for using TubULAR: midgut data#

Here is an example using 20 minutes of Drosophila midgut develeopment, with the dataset available for download on FigShare: Mitchell, Noah; Cislo, Dillon (2022): Example Timeseries – Drosophila midgut, minimal data. figshare. Dataset. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.20733091

All example datasets for this codebase are available in the collection here: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.6178351

Note that the file paths have to be changed at the top of the script to the place where you download the data.

The script below is found in tubular/example/example_timeseries_gut11Timepoints.m inside the repository.

The default script below runs through just three timepoints. If you want to run more timepoints, adjust masterSettings.timePoints below.

% by NPMitchell & Dillon Cislo

% This is a pipeline to analyze dynamic tube-like surfaces in 3D data.
% A tube-like surface is one that is either cylindrical in topology or
% elongated and spherical in topology. If the initial mesh is a spherical
% topology, then two 'endcaps' will be truncated in order to transform it
% to a cylindrical topology.

%% Clear workspace ========================================================
% We start by clearing the memory and closing all figures
clear; close all; clc;

%% Download gut data (downsampled 2x, 11 timepoints) from figShare TubULAR project
% Replace this path with wherever you put your downloaded data:
gutDataDir = '/mnt/data/tubular_test/fly_midgut_11TimepointsDownsampled_dataOnly2' ;

zwidth =1 ;
dataDir = cd ;

%% ADD PATHS TO THIS ENVIRONMENT ==========================================
origpath = matlab.desktop.editor.getActiveFilename;
% Install gptoolbox and add path here (required for some functionality but
% not strictly necessary)

% go back to the data

if ~exist(fullfile(dataDir, 'xp.mat'), 'file')
    if ~exist('./masterSettings.mat', 'file')
        % Metadata about the experiment
        stackResolution = 2*[.2619 .2619 .2619] ;  % resolution in spaceUnits per pixel
        nChannels = 1 ;             % how many channels is the data (ex 2 for GFP + RFP)
        channelsUsed = 1 ;          % which channels are used for analysis
        timePoints = 150:2:154;       % timepoints to include in the analysis
        ssfactor = 2 ;              % subsampling factor
        flipy = false ;             % whether the data is stored inverted relative to real position in lab frame
        timeInterval = 1 ;          % physical interval between timepoints
        timeUnits = 'min' ;         % physical unit of time between timepoints
        spaceUnits = [char(956) 'm'] ;     % physical unit of time between timepoints
        fn = 'Time_%06d_c1_stab';        % filename string pattern
        set_preilastikaxisorder = 'xyzc' ; % data axis order for subsampled h5 data (ilastik input)
        swapZT = 0 ;                % whether to swap the z and t dimensions
        masterSettings = struct('stackResolution', stackResolution, ...
            'nChannels', nChannels, ...
            'channelsUsed', channelsUsed, ...
            'timePoints', timePoints, ...
            'ssfactor', ssfactor, ...
            'flipy', flipy, ...
            'timeInterval', timeInterval, ...
            'timeUnits', timeUnits, ...
            'spaceUnits', spaceUnits, ...
            'fn', fn,...
            'swapZT', swapZT, ...
            'set_preilastikaxisorder', set_preilastikaxisorder, ...
            'nU', 100, ...
            'nV', 100);
        disp('Saving masterSettings to ./masterSettings.mat')
        if exist('./masterSettings.mat', 'file')
            ui = input('This will overwrite the masterSettings. Proceed (Y/n)?', 's') ;
            if ~isempty(ui) && (strcmp(ui(1), 'Y') || strcmp(ui(1), 'y'))
                save('./masterSettings.mat', 'masterSettings')
                loadMaster = false ;
                disp('Loading masterSettings from disk instead of overwriting')
                loadMaster = true ;
            save('./masterSettings.mat', 'masterSettings')
            loadMaster = false ;
        loadMaster = true ;

    if loadMaster
        disp('Loading masterSettings from ./masterSettings.mat')
        load('./masterSettings.mat', 'masterSettings')
        % Unpack existing master settings
        stackResolution = masterSettings.stackResolution ;
        nChannels = masterSettings.nChannels ;
        channelsUsed = masterSettings.channelsUsed ;
        timePoints = masterSettings.timePoints ;
        ssfactor = masterSettings.ssfactor ;
        % whether the data is stored inverted relative to real position
        flipy = masterSettings.flipy ;
        timeInterval = masterSettings.timeInterval ;  % physical interval between timepoints
        timeUnits = masterSettings.timeUnits ; % physical unit of time between timepoints
        spaceUnits = masterSettings.spaceUnits ; % unit of distance of full resolution data pixels ('$\mu$m')
        fn = masterSettings.fn ;
        set_preilastikaxisorder = masterSettings.set_preilastikaxisorder ;
        swapZT = masterSettings.swapZT ;
        nU = masterSettings.nU ;
        nV = masterSettings.nV ;
    dir16bit = fullfile(dataDir) ;

    %% PART 1: Define the metadata for the project

    dataDir = cd ;
    projectDir = dataDir ;

    % Set file and experiment meta data
    % We assume on individual image stack for each time point, labeled by time.
    %  To be able to load the stack, we need to tell the project wehre the data
    %  is, what convention is assumed for the file names, available time
    %  points, and the stack resolution.  Options for modules in ImSAnE are
    %  organized in MATLAB structures, i.e a pair of field names and values are
    %  provided for each option.
    % The following file metadata information is required:
    % * 'directory'         , the project directory (full path)
    % * 'dataDir'           , the data directory (full path)
    % * 'filenameFormat'    , fprintf type format spec of file name
    % * 'timePoints'        , list of itmes available stored as a vector
    % * 'stackResolution'   , stack resolution in microns, e.g. [0.25 0.25 1]
    % The following file metadata information is optional:
    % * 'imageSpace'        , bit depth of image, such as uint16 etc., defined
    %                         in Stack class
    % * 'stackSize'         , size of stack in pixels per dimension
    %                         [xSize ySize zSize]
    % * 'swapZT'            , set=1 if time is 3rd dimension and z is 4th

    % A filename base template - to be used throughout this script
    fileMeta                    = struct();
    fileMeta.dataDir            = dataDir;
    fileMeta.filenameFormat     = [fn, '.tif'];
    fileMeta.nChannels          = nChannels;
    fileMeta.timePoints         = timePoints ;
    fileMeta.stackResolution    = stackResolution;
    fileMeta.swapZT             = masterSettings.swapZT;

    % Set required additional information on the experiment. A verbal data set
    % description, Jitter correct by translating  the sample, which time point
    % to use for fitting, etc.
    % The following project metadata information is required:
    % * 'channelsUsed'      , the channels used, e.g. [1 3] for RGB
    % * 'channelColor'      , mapping from element in channels used to RGB = 123
    % * 'dynamicSurface'    , Not implemented yet, future plan: boolean, false: static surface
    % * 'detectorType'      , name of detector class, e.g. radielEdgeDetector
    %                         ,(user threshholded), fastCylinderDetector
    % * 'fitterType'        , name of fitter class
    % The following project meta data information is optional:
    % * 'description'     , string describing the data set set experiments metadata,
    %                                such as a description, and if the surface is dynamic,
    %                                or requires drift correction of the sample.
    % * 'jitterCorrection', Boolean, false: No fft based jitter correction

    % first_tp is also required, which sets the tp to do individually.
    first_tp = 1 ;
    expMeta                     = struct();
    expMeta.channelsUsed        = channelsUsed ;
    expMeta.channelColor        = 1;
    expMeta.description         = 'Drosophila gut';
    expMeta.dynamicSurface      = 1;
    expMeta.jitterCorrection    = 0;  % 1: Correct for sample translation
    expMeta.fitTime             = fileMeta.timePoints(first_tp);

    %% SET DETECTION OPTIONS ==================================================
    % Load/define the surface detection parameters
    msls_detOpts_fn = fullfile(projectDir, 'msls_detectOpts.mat') ;
    if exist(msls_detOpts_fn, 'file')
        disp('loading detectOptions')
        load(msls_detOpts_fn, 'detectOptions')
        outputfilename_ply='mesh_ms_' ;
        outputfilename_ls='msls_' ;
        outputfilename_smoothply = 'mesh_' ;
        ms_scriptDir='/mnt/data/code/morphsnakes_wrapper/morphsnakes_wrapper/' ;
        init_ls_fn = 'msls_initguess' ;
        meshlabCodeDir = '/mnt/data/code/meshlab_codes/';
        mlxprogram = fullfile(meshlabCodeDir, ...
            'laplace_surface_rm_resample30k_reconstruct_LS3_1p2pc_ssfactor4.mlx') ;
        prob_searchstr = '_stab_Probabilities.h5' ;
        preilastikaxisorder = set_preilastikaxisorder; ... % axis order in input to ilastik as h5s. To keep as saved coords use xyzc
        ilastikaxisorder= 'cxyz'; ... % axis order as output by ilastik probabilities h5
        imsaneaxisorder = 'xyzc'; ... % axis order relative to mesh axis order by which to process the point cloud prediction. To keep as mesh coords, use xyzc

        % Name the output mesh directory --------------------------------------
        mslsDir = [fullfile(projectDir, 'tubular_output') filesep];

        % Surface detection parameters ----------------------------------------
        detectOptions = struct( 'channel', 1, ...
            'ssfactor', ssfactor, ...
            'niter', 100,...
            'niter0', 1200, ...
            'pre_pressure', -5, ...
            'pre_tension', 0, ...
            'pressure', 0, ...
            'tension', 0.01, ...
            'post_pressure', 2, ...
            'post_tension', 3, ...
            'exit_thres', 1e-7, ...
            'foreGroundChannel', 1, ...
            'fileName', fn, ...
            'mslsDir', mslsDir, ...
            'ofn_ls', outputfilename_ls, ...
            'ofn_ply', outputfilename_ply,...
            'ms_scriptDir', ms_scriptDir, ...
            'timepoint', timePoints(1), ...
            'zdim', 2, ...
            'ofn_smoothply', outputfilename_smoothply, ...
            'mlxprogram', mlxprogram, ...
            'init_ls_fn', init_ls_fn, ... % set to none to load prev tp
            'run_full_dataset', projectDir,... % projectDir, ... % set to 'none' for single tp
            'radius_guess', 20, ...
            'dset_name', 'exported_data',...
            'center_guess', 'none',... % xyz of the initial guess sphere as '75,50,25' for x=75,y=50,z=25 ;
            'save', true, ... % whether to save images of debugging output
            'plot_mesh3d', false, ...
            'dtype', 'mat',...
            'mask', 'none',...
            'mesh_from_pointcloud', false, ...
            'prob_searchstr', prob_searchstr, ...
            'preilastikaxisorder', preilastikaxisorder, ...
            'ilastikaxisorder', ilastikaxisorder, ...
            'physicalaxisorder', imsaneaxisorder, ...
            'include_boundary_faces', true, ...
            'smooth_with_matlab', 0.2) ; % set this to >0 to use matlab laplacian filter instead of meshlab

        % save options
        if exist(msls_detOpts_fn, 'file')
            disp('Overwriting detectOptions --> renaming existing as backup')
            backupfn1 = [msls_detOpts_fn '_backup1'] ;
            if exist(backupfn1, 'file')
                backupfn2 = [msls_detOpts_fn '_backup2'] ;
                system(['mv ' backupfn1 ' ' backupfn2])
            system(['mv ' msls_detOpts_fn ' ' backupfn1])
        disp('Saving detect Options to disk')
        save(msls_detOpts_fn, 'detectOptions') ;

    % Overwrite certain parameters for script structure
    mslsDir = detectOptions.mslsDir ;

    %% Define Experiment as struct
    xp = struct('fileMeta', fileMeta, ...
        'expMeta', expMeta, 'detectOptions', detectOptions) ;

    %% PART 2: TubULAR -- surface parameterization
    %% Now we have 3d data volumes and surfaces. Define a TubULAR object.
    % To visualize data on these surfaces and compute how these surfaces deform
    % we now define TubULAR object.
    nU = masterSettings.nU ;
    nV = masterSettings.nV ;
    opts = struct() ;
    opts.meshDir = mslsDir ;        % Directory where meshes reside
    opts.flipy = flipy ;            % Set to true if data volume axes are inverted in chirality wrt physical lab coordinates
    opts.timeInterval = timeInterval ; % Spacing between adjacent timepoints in units of timeUnits
    opts.timeUnits = timeUnits ;    % units of time, so that adjacent timepoints are timeUnits * timeInterval apart
    opts.spaceUnits = spaceUnits ;  % Units of space in LaTeX, for ex '$mu$m' for micron
    opts.nU = nU ;                  % How many points along the longitudinal axis to sample surface
    opts.nV = nV ;                  % How many points along the circumferential axis to sample surface
    opts.normalShift = 10 ;         % Additional dilation acting on surface for texture mapping
    opts.a_fixed = 2.0 ;            % Fixed aspect ratio of pullback images. Setting to 1.0 is most conformal mapping option.
    opts.adjustlow = 1.00 ;         % floor for intensity adjustment
    opts.adjusthigh = 99.9 ;        % ceil for intensity adjustment (clip)
    opts.phiMethod = 'curves3d' ;   % Method for following surface in surface-Lagrangian mapping [(s,phi) coordinates]
    opts.lambda_mesh = 0.00 ;       % Smoothing applied to the mesh before DEC measurements
    opts.lambda = 0.0 ;             % Smoothing applied to computed values on the surface
    opts.lambda_err = 0.0 ;         % Additional smoothing parameter, optional
    opts.zwidth = zwidth ;
    opts.nmodes = 7 ;
    % opts.t0 = xp.fileMeta.timePoints(1) ;   % reference timepoint used to define surface-Lagrangian and Lagrangian measurements
    % opts.t0 = 123 ;
    % opts.t0 = 37 ;
    % opts.t0 = 1 ;

    disp('saving xp struct and opts to disk')
    save(fullfile(dataDir, 'xp.mat'), 'xp', 'opts')
    disp('loading xp struct from disk')
    load(fullfile(dataDir, 'xp.mat'), 'xp', 'opts')

%% TubULAR class instance
disp('defining TubULAR class instance (tubi= tubular instance)')
tubi = TubULAR(xp, opts) ;
disp('done defining TubULAR instance')

%% Prepare files for iLastik preprocessing
tubi.prepareIlastik() ;

%% Extract the surfaces
tubi.xp.detectOptions.preview = true ;

% Inspect the meshes
for tp = tubi.xp.fileMeta.timePoints
    mesh = read_ply_mod(sprintf(tubi.fullFileBase.mesh, tp)) ;
    trisurf(triangulation(mesh.f, mesh.v), 'edgecolor', 'none', 'facealpha',0.2)
    axis equal
    title(['t=' num2str(tp)])

% Obtain APDV coordinates of the surface.
% There are two options for obtaining these coordinates.
%   1. Automatically determine A and P by the extremal points of the
%   surface mesh along the elongated axis of the mesh, and define DV as
%   pointing perpendicular to this.
%   2. Train in iLastik for an anterior spot in 3d (A), a posterior spot in
%   3d (P), and a spot which is dorsal to the line connecting A and P. Any
%   dorsal point is fine, as long as it points dorsal to the AP axis
%   defined by A and P. See picture below.
%     example:
%                 D
%                 |
%                 |
%       A -----------------P
% Here we use option 2. We must prepare APDV ilastik training first outside
% Train on anterior (A), posterior (P), background (B), and
% dorsal anterior (D) location in different iLastik channels by having a
% blob centered on a point that you wish to identify as each label (in 3D).
% anteriorChannel, posteriorChannel, and dorsalChannel specify the iLastik
% training channel that is used for each specification.
% Name the h5 file output from iLastik as ..._Probabilities_apcenterline.h5
% Training for dorsal (D) is only needed at the reference time point, t0,
% because that's the only one that's used.
% A dorsal blob for the gut is marked at the site where the gut closes,
% with 48YGAL4-expressing cells form a seam.
% Posterior is at the rear of the yolk, where the endoderm closes, for
% apical surface training.
% Anterior is at the junction of the midgut with the foregut.

%% Define global orientation frame (for viewing in canonical frame)
% Compute APDV coordinate system
alignAPDVOpts = struct() ;
alignAPDVOpts.overwrite = false ;
alignAPDVOpts.use_iLastik = true ;
tubi.computeAPDVCoords(alignAPDVOpts) ;

%% Select the endcaps for the centerline computation (A and P) and a point
% along which we will form a branch cut for mapping to the plane (D).
apdvOpts = struct() ;
apdvOpts.overwrite = true ;
apdvOpts.swapAP = true ;
apdvOpts.autoAP = true ; % find the AP points automatically
[apts_sm, ppts_sm] = tubi.computeAPDpoints(apdvOpts) ;

% Align the meshes in the APDV global frame & plot them
tubi.alignMeshesAPDV(alignAPDVOpts) ;

disp('done with APDV coordinates and AP point selection for centerline')

% PLOT ALL TEXTURED MESHES IN 3D (OPTIONAL: this is SLOW) ================
% % Establish texture patch options
% metadat = struct() ;
% metadat.reorient_faces = false ;            % set to true if some mesh normals may be inverted (requires gptoolbox if true)
% metadat.normal_shift = tubi.normalShift ;   % normal push, in pixels, along normals defined in data XYZ space
% metadat.texture_axis_order = [1 2 3] ;      % texture space sampling. If the surface and dataspace have axis permutation, enter that here
% Options.PSize = 5 ;          % Psize is the linear dimension of the grid drawn on each triangular face. Set PSize > 1 for refinement of texture on each triangle of the surface triangulation. Higher numbers are slower but give more detailed images.
% Options.numLayers = [0, 0];  % how many layers to MIP over/bundle into stack, as [outward, inward]
% Options.layerSpacing = 2 ;   % Distance between layers over which we take MIP, in pixels,
% % Plot on surface for all timepoints
% tubi.plotSeriesOnSurfaceTexturePatch(metadat, Options)

% Note: these just need to be 'reasonable' centerlines for topological
% checks on the orbifold cuts. Therefore, use as large a resolution ('res')
% as possible that still forms a centerline passing through the mesh
% surface, since the centerline computed here is just for constraining the
% mapping to the plane.
cntrlineOpts.overwrite = true ;         % overwrite previous results
cntrlineOpts.overwrite_ims = false ;     % overwrite previous results
cntrlineOpts.weight = 0.1;               % for speedup of centerline extraction. Larger is less precise
cntrlineOpts.exponent = 1.0 ;            % how heavily to scale distance transform for speed through voxel
cntrlineOpts.res = 4.0 ;                 % resolution of distance tranform grid in which to compute centerlines
cntrlineOpts.preview = false ;           % preview intermediate results
cntrlineOpts.reorient_faces = false ;    % not needed for our well-constructed meshes
cntrlineOpts.dilation = 0 ;              % how many voxels to dilate the segmentation inside/outside before path computation
% Note: this can take about 400s per timepoint for res=2.0, so use as big a
%   res value as possible.
disp('done with centerlines')

%% Identify anomalies in centerline data
idOptions.ssr_thres = 15 ;  % distance of sum squared residuals in um as threshold for removing spurious centerlines
tubi.cleanFastMarchingCenterlines(idOptions) ;
disp('done with cleaning up centerlines')

%% Cylinder cut mesh --> transforms a topological sphere into a topological cylinder
% Look for options on disk. If not saved, define options.
if ~exist(tubi.fileName.endcapOptions, 'file')
    endcapOpts = struct( 'adist_thres', 20, ...  % 20, distance threshold for cutting off anterior in pix
                'pdist_thres', 33, ...  % 15-20, distance threshold for cutting off posterior in pix
                'tref', tubi.xp.fileMeta.timePoints(1)) ;  % reference timepoint at which time dorsal-most endcap vertices are defined
    tubi.setEndcapOptions(endcapOpts) ;
    % Save the options to disk
    tubi.saveEndcapOptions() ;
    % load endcapOpts
    tubi.loadEndcapOptions() ;
    endcapOpts = tubi.endcapOptions ;

methodOpts.overwrite = true ;
methodOpts.save_figs = true ;   % save images of cutMeshes along the way
methodOpts.preview = false  ;     % display intermediate results
tubi.sliceMeshEndcaps(endcapOpts, methodOpts) ;

%% Clean Cylinder Meshes -- this is slow for large meshes
% This removes "ears" from the endcaps of the tubular meshes (cylindrical
% meshes)
cleanCylOptions = struct() ;
cleanCylOptions.overwrite = true ;
disp('done cleaning cylinder meshes')

%% ORBIFOLD -> begin populating tubi.dir.mesh/gridCoords_nUXXXX_nVXXXX/
overwrite = false ;
% Iterate Through Time Points to Create Pullbacks ========================
for tt = tubi.xp.fileMeta.timePoints
    disp(['NOW PROCESSING TIME POINT ', num2str(tt)]);
    tidx = tubi.xp.tIdx(tt);

    % Load the data for the current time point ------------------------
    tubi.setTime(tt) ;

    % Create the Cut Mesh
    cutMeshfn = sprintf(tubi.fullFileBase.cutMesh, tt) ;
    cutPathfn = sprintf(tubi.fullFileBase.cutPath, tt) ;
    if ~exist(cutMeshfn, 'file') || ~exist(cutPathfn, 'file') || overwrite
        if exist(cutMeshfn, 'file')
            disp('Overwriting cutMesh...') ;
            disp('cutMesh not found on disk. Generating cutMesh... ');
        options = struct() ;
        disp('Saving cutP image')
        % Plot the cutPath (cutP) in 3D
        tubi.plotCutPath(tubi.currentMesh.cutMesh, tubi.currentMesh.cutPath)
        compute_pullback = true ;
        compute_pullback = false ;

    tubi.getCurrentUVCutMesh() ;

    spcutMeshOptions = struct() ;
    spcutMeshOptions.t0_for_phi0 = tubi.t0set() ;  % which timepoint do we define corners of pullback map
    spcutMeshOptions.save_phi0patch = false ;
    spcutMeshOptions.iterative_phi0 = false ;
    spcutMeshOptions.smoothingMethod = 'none' ;
    tubi.plotting.preview = false ;
    tubi.generateCurrentSPCutMesh([], spcutMeshOptions) ;

    % Compute the pullback if the cutMesh is ok
    if compute_pullback || ~exist(sprintf(tubi.fullFileBase.im_sp, tt), 'file')
        pbOptions = struct() ;
        pbOptions.numLayers = [0 1] ; % how many onion layers over which to take MIP
        tubi.generateCurrentPullbacks([], [], [], pbOptions) ;
        disp('Skipping computation of pullback')

disp('Done with generating spcutMeshes and cutMeshes')

% Inspect coordinate system charts using (s,phi) coordinate system ('sp')
options = struct() ;
options.coordSys = 'uv' ;

%% PART 3: Further refinement of dynamic meshes
% Smooth the sphi grid meshes in time ====================================
options = struct() ;
options.overwrite = overwrite ;
options.width = 4 ;  % width of kernel, in #timepoints, to use in smoothing meshes
tubi.smoothDynamicSPhiMeshes(options) ;

% Plot the time-smoothed meshes
tubi.plotSPCutMeshSmRS(options) ;

% Inspect coordinate system charts using smoothed meshes
options = struct() ;
options.coordSys = 'spsm' ;

% Redo Pullbacks with time-smoothed meshes ===============================
disp('Create pullback using S,Phi coords with time-averaged Meshes')
for tt = tubi.xp.fileMeta.timePoints
    disp(['NOW PROCESSING TIME POINT ', num2str(tt)]);
    tidx = tubi.xp.tIdx(tt);

    % Load the data for the current time point ------------------------
    tubi.setTime(tt) ;

    % Establish custom Options for MIP --> choose which pullbacks to use
    pbOptions = struct() ;
    pbOptions.numLayers = [0 5] ; % how many onion layers over which to take MIP
    pbOptions.generate_spsm = true ;
    pbOptions.generate_sp = false ;
    pbOptions.overwrite = false ;
    tubi.generateCurrentPullbacks([], [], [], pbOptions) ;

%% Part 4: Computation of tissue deformation, with in-plane and out-of-plane flow
% TILE/EXTEND SMOOTHED IMAGES IN Y AND RESAVE ============================
% Skip if already done
options = struct() ;
options.coordsys = 'spsm' ;

%% PERFORM PIV ON PULLBACK MIPS ===========================================
% % Compute PIV either with built-in phase correlation or in PIVLab
options = struct() ;
options.overwrite = true ;
tubi.measurePIV2d(options) ;

%% Measure velocities =====================================================
disp('Making map from pixel to xyz to compute velocities in 3d for smoothed meshes...')
options = struct() ;
options.show_v3d_on_data = false ;
tubi.measurePIV3d(options) ;

%% Lagrangian dynamics
% Pullback pathline time averaging of velocities
options = struct() ;
% Velocity plots for pathline time averaging
options.plot_vxyz = false ;
options.invertImage = true ;
options.averagingStyle = 'Lagrangian';
% Divergence and Curl (Helmholtz-Hodge) for Lagrangian
options = struct() ;
options.averagingStyle = 'Lagrangian' ;
options.lambda = 0 ;
options.lambda_mesh = 0 ;
tubi.helmholtzHodge(options) ;

%% Compressibility & kinematics for Lagrangian
options = struct() ;

%% Metric Kinematics Kymographs & Correlations -- Bandwidth Filtered
options = struct() ;

%% Pullback pathlines connecting Lagrangian grids
options = struct() ;

%% Pullback pathline texturepatching (PIV pathline --> most stable image sequence)
disp('Create pullback using pullback pathline coords')
for tt = tubi.xp.fileMeta.timePoints
    disp(['PB Pathline texturepatch: NOW PROCESSING TIME POINT ', num2str(tt)]);
    tidx = tubi.xp.tIdx(tt);

    % Load the data for the current time point ------------------------
    tubi.setTime(tt) ;

    % Establish custom Options for MIP --> choose which pullbacks to use
    pbOptions = struct() ;
    pbOptions.numLayers = [0 5] ; % how many onion layers over which to take MIP
    pbOptions.generate_spsm = false ;
    pbOptions.generate_sp = false ;
    pbOptions.overwrite = false ;
    pbOptions.generate_pivPathline = true ;
    tubi.generateCurrentPullbacks([], [], [], pbOptions) ;

%% Query velocities along pathlines
options = struct() ;
% plot the pathline velocities
options = struct() ;
options.gridTopology = 'triangulated' ;

%% Measure Pathline Kinematics
options = struct() ;

%% Plot Pathline Kinematics
options = struct() ;

% Create ricci mesh at t0 to measure Beltrami coefficient in pathlines
options = struct() ;
options.climit = 1 ;
options.coordSys = 'ricci' ;
tubi.measureBeltramiCoefficient(options) ;

% Strain rate (epsilon = 1/2 (djvi+divj) -vn bij)
options = struct() ;

%% Plot time-averaged strain rates in 3d on mesh
options = struct() ;

% Kymograph strain rates
options = struct() ;
options.clim_trace = 0.05 ;
options.clim_deviatoric = 0.05 ;

% Measure strain rate along pathlines
options = struct() ;
options.overwriteImages = false ;
options.plot_dzdp = false ;

% Measure divergence and out-of-plane deformation along pathlines

% Pathline strain rate plots
options = struct() ;
options.climit = 0.05 ;
options.climitWide = 1.0 ;

% Measure strain along pathlines -- note this is from pathlines, not integrating rates
options = struct() ;
options.plot_dzdp = false ;
options.climitInitial = 0.05 ;
options.climitRamp = 0.01 ;
options.climitRatio = 1 ;

% PCA decomposition
pcaTypes = {'vnVector', 'v3d', 'vt', 'H2vn', 'vnScalar', 'divv', 'gdot'} ;
% pcaTypes = {'H2vn', 'vnScalar', 'divv', 'gdot'} ;
options = struct('overwrite', true, ...
    'overwriteImages', true) ;
options.pcaTypes = pcaTypes ;
% options.meshStyles = 'sphi' ;
tubi.spaceUnits = [char(181) 'm'] ;

%% Laplace-Beltrami Spectral (LBS) decomposition
close all; clc;

% lbsTypes = {'vnVector', 'v3d', 'vt', 'H2vn', 'vnScalar', 'divv', 'gdot'} ;
lbsTypes = {'H2vn', 'vnScalar', 'divv', 'gdot'} ;
options = struct('overwrite', true, ...
    'overwriteImages', true) ;
options.lbsTypes = lbsTypes ;
% options.meshStyles = 'sphi' ;
tubi.spaceUnits = [char(181) 'm'] ;

Indices and tables#