Example for using TubULAR: zebrafish heart dynamics#

Here is an example for processing the zebrafish heart as in Figures 4-5 of the publication’s main text. Note that this pipeline runs essentially all optional features along the way and also highlights an alternative method for capturing the organ surfaces, which is described in the supplementary information of the publication.

The analysis output of this pipeline is available here: Mitchell, Noah; Cislo, Dillon (2022): Analysis of beating zebrafish heart. figshare. Dataset. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.20670105

All example datasets and analysis output for this codebase are availble in the collection here: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.6178351

%% TubULAR Analysis Pipeline: Zebrafish Heart (3D + time)
% by NPMitchell and Dillon Cislo

% This is a pipeline to analyize the dynamic tube-like surface of a growing
% zebrafish heart in (3+1)D. During the developmental stage at which this
% data was procured, the zebrafish heart is a tube with cylindrical
% topology. Our surface extraction technology, however, renderes the fitted
% surfaces as elongated and spherical in topology. This pipeline will
% demonstarate:
% (1) How to restore the cylindrical topology by the removal of 'endcaps'
% (2) How to slice open and unwrap the tube-like surface into the plane
% (3) How to construct time-dependent 'surface Lagrangian' coordinates
% (4) How to apply the DEC to analyze flow on the shape-shifting surface
%   - WE REALLY NEED THE EXPERIMENT METADATA (time interval, space units
%   etc.)
%   - Your axis order choices are crap
%   - Should probably just make a new MeshLab script that would deprecate
%   the mesh simplification step post surface detection

% Add necessary directories to the path
tubularDir = '/mnt/data/code/tubular';

% Add optional external code to the path
% rmpath(genpath('mnt/data/code/gptooolbox'));
% addpath(genpath('/mnt/data/code/gptoolbox'));

%% TubULAR Pipeline Initialization ========================================

% We start by clearing the memory and closing all figures
clear; close all; clc;

% The directory containing the zebrafish heart data
dataDir = '/mnt/data/tubular_test/zebrafish_heart/';

% The directory where project files will be generated and saved
projectDir = fullfile(dataDir, 'analysis') ;
% [projectDir, ~, ~] = fileparts(matlab.desktop.editor.getActiveFilename);

% Define TubULAR master settings
overwriteSettings = false;
if (~exist(fullfile(projectDir, 'masterSettings.mat'), 'file') || overwriteSettings)

stackResolution = [.3524 .3524 2];  % resolution in spaceUnits per pixel
nChannels = 1;                      % how many channels is the data (ex 2 for GFP + RFP)
channelsUsed = 1;                   % which channels are used for analysis
timePoints = 1:30; % 1:50;          % timepoints to include in the analysis
ssfactor = 4;                       % subsampling factor
flipy = false ;                     % whether the data is stored inverted relative to real position in lab frame
timeInterval = 1;                   % physical interval between timepoints
timeUnits = 'min';                  % physical unit of time between timepoints
spaceUnits = '$\mu$m';              % physical unit of time between timepoints
fn = 'Stack_Repeat_014_Time_%03d';      % filename string pattern
set_preilastikaxisorder = 'xyzc';       % data axis order for subsampled h5 data (ilastik input)
swapZT = true;                      % whether to swap the z and t dimensions

masterSettings = struct( ...
'stackResolution', stackResolution, ...
'nChannels', nChannels, ...
'channelsUsed', channelsUsed, ...
'timePoints', timePoints, ...
'ssfactor', ssfactor, ...
'flipy', flipy, ...
'timeInterval', timeInterval, ...
'timeUnits', timeUnits, ...
'spaceUnits', spaceUnits, ...
'fn', fn,...
'swapZT', swapZT, ...
'set_preilastikaxisorder', set_preilastikaxisorder, ...
'nU', 100, ...
'nV', 100 );

disp(['Saving master settings to ' ...
fullfile(projectDir, 'masterSettings.mat')]);

save(fullfile(projectDir, 'masterSettings.mat'), 'masterSettings');

clear stackResolution nChannels channelsUsed timePoints
clear ssfactor flipy timeInterval timeUnits spaceUnits fn
clear set_preilastikaxisorder swapZT

disp('Saving masterSettings to ./masterSettings.mat')


disp(['Loading master settings from ' ...
fullfile(projectDir, 'masterSettings.mat')]);

load(fullfile(projectDir, 'masterSettings.mat'), 'masterSettings');


%% ************************************************************************
% *************************************************************************
%      PART 1: SURFACE DETECTION USING ImSAnE's 'integralDetector'
% *************************************************************************
% *************************************************************************

% Add ImSAnE to the path

%% Initialize ImSAnE Project ==============================================

% We start by creating the experiment object, which holds the project
% metadata and serves as a front-end for a number of tasks, including data
% loading, detection, fitting, etc.  When instantiating the experiment
% object we must indicate the path of the project directory and the data
% directory, either by passing them as arguments to the constructor or by
% picking them manually from a dialog box

xp = project.Experiment(projectDir, dataDir);

% Set File Metadata -------------------------------------------------------
% First we set the metadata pertaining to the raw data files in the
% structure 'fileMeta'.  ImSAnE assumes that individual time points are
% saved as separate image stacks and that filenames in a time series are
% identical up to a integer specifying the timepoint.
% The following file metadata information is required:
% * 'directory'         , the project directory (full path)
% * 'dataDir'           , the data directory (full path)
% * 'filenameFormat'    , fprintf type format spec of file name
% * 'timePoints'        , list of times available stored as a vector
% * 'stackResolution'   , stack resolution in microns, e.g. [0.25 0.25 1]
% The following file metadata information is optional:
% * 'imageSpace'        , bit depth of image, such as uint16 etc., defined
%                         in Stack class
% * 'stackSize'         , size of stack in pixels per dimension
%                         [xSize ySize zSize]
% * 'swapZT'            , set=1 if time is 3rd dimension and z is 4th
% * 'nChannels'         , The number of channels in the raw data

fileMeta                    = struct();
fileMeta.dataDir            = dataDir;
fileMeta.filenameFormat     = [ masterSettings.fn, '.tif' ];
fileMeta.nChannels          = masterSettings.nChannels;
fileMeta.timePoints         = masterSettings.timePoints;
fileMeta.stackResolution    = masterSettings.stackResolution;
fileMeta.swapZT             = masterSettings.swapZT;


% Set Experiment Metadata -------------------------------------------------
% Next we set additional information regarding our experiment as fields in
% the 'expMeta' structure.
% The following project metadata information is required:
% * 'channelsUsed'      , the channels used, e.g. [1 3] for RGB
% * 'channelColor'      , mapping from element in channels used to RGB=123
% * 'dynamicSurface'    , Boolean, false: static surface
% * 'detectorType'      , name of detector class
% * 'fitterType'        , name of fitter class
% The following project meta data information is optional:
% * 'description'     , string describing the data set
% * 'jitterCorrection', Boolean, false: No fft based jitter correction

expMeta                     = struct();
expMeta.channelsUsed        = masterSettings.channelsUsed;
expMeta.channelColor        = 1;
expMeta.description         = 'A beating Zebrafish heart';
expMeta.dynamicSurface      = 1;
expMeta.jitterCorrection    = 0;
expMeta.fitTime             = fileMeta.timePoints(1);
expMeta.detectorType        = 'surfaceDetection.morphsnakesDetector';
expMeta.fitterType          = 'surfaceFitting.meshWrapper';


% Initialize New Experiment -----------------------------------------------
% Finally we call initNew(), which reads the stack size from the first
% available time point, then initializes fitter and detector and creates
% fitOptions and detectOptions based on their defaults.


clear fileMeta expMeta

%% Load First Time Point ==================================================
% First we load the data for the fittingtime point. This is not necessary
% for surface detection. However, it is required to properly store
% information generated in subsequent steps (i.e. generating the surface of
% interest object) and we might as well get it out of the way now and also
% demonstrate some visualization functionality offered by ImSAnE

xp.loadTime( xp.expMeta.fitTime );

% The data in xp.stack is stored as a 'Stack' object. The easiest way
% to look at a cross section of the data is using getSlice

% imshow( xp.stack.getSlice( 'z', 90 ), [] );

%% Set Surface Detection Objects ==========================================
% We now attempt to detect the surface of interest.  In this pipeline, we
% use the 'integralDetector'.  This detector is essentially a wrapper for
% the morphological snakes external code module.  The input to this module
% is a sub-sampled Ilastik pixel probability map.  Given this map, the
% method attempts to segmemt the image volume into distinct regions by
% minimizing the following (schematic) energy functional
% Etot = Est + Ep + Ein + Eout
% Est amounts to a surface tension, Ep amounts to a pressure, Ein tries to
% make all voxels inside the segmented region have similar intensities, and
% Eout tries to make all of the voxels outside the segmented region have
% similar intensities. It is assumed that the region of interest is a
% closed volume.
% See ImSAnE's 'surfaceDetection.integralDetector' for option documentation

msls_detOpts_fn = fullfile(projectDir, 'msls_detectOpts.mat');

if exist(msls_detOpts_fn, 'file')

load(msls_detOpts_fn, 'detectOptions');


% The name of the meshlab script that generates a mesh from the point
% cloud
mlxprogram = 'laplace_surface_rm_resample30k_reconstruct_LS3_1p2pc_ssfactor4.mlx';
mlxprogram = fullfile( '/mnt/data/code/meshlab_codes/', mlxprogram );

detectOptions = struct();
detectOptions.channel = masterSettings.channelsUsed(1);
detectOptions.ssfactor = masterSettings.ssfactor;
detectOptions.niter = 200;
detectOptions.niter0 = 400;
detectOptions.lambda1 = 1;
detectOptions.lambda2 = 1;
detectOptions.pressure = 0.1;
detectOptions.tension = 2;
detectOptions.pre_pressure = 0;
detectOptions.pre_tension = 0;
detectOptions.post_pressure = 0;
detectOptions.post_tension = 0;
detectOptions.exit_thres = 1e-6;
detectOptions.foreGroundChannel = masterSettings.channelsUsed(1);
detectOptions.fileName = sprintf( masterSettings.fn, xp.expMeta.fitTime );
detectOptions.mslsDir = fullfile( projectDir, 'MorphSnakesOutput' );
detectOptions.ofn_ls = 'msls_DP_';
detectOptions.ofn_ply = 'mesh_DP_ms_';
detectOptions.ms_scriptDir = '/mnt/data/code/morphsnakes_wrapper/morphsnakes_wrapper';
detectOptions.timepoint = xp.expMeta.fitTime;
detectOptions.zdim = 3;
detectOptions.ofn_smoothply = 'mesh_DP_';
detectOptions.mlxprogram = fullfile( projectDir, mlxprogram );
detectOptions.init_ls_fn = 'empty_string';
detectOptions.run_full_dataset = false;
detectOptions.radius_guess = 200;
detectOptions.dset_name = 'exported_data';
detectOptions.center_guess = '30,125,125';
detectOptions.save = true;
detectOptions.plot_mesh3d = false;
detectOptions.dtype = 'h5';
detectOptions.mask = 'none';
detectOptions.mesh_from_pointcloud = true;
detectOptions.prob_searchstr = '_Probabilities.h5';
detectOptions.preilastikaxisorder = masterSettings.set_preilastikaxisorder;
detectOptions.ilastikaxisorder = 'cxyz'; %'cxyz';
detectOptions.physicalaxisorder = 'yxzc';
detectOptions.include_boundary_faces = true;
detectOptions.smooth_with_matlab = 0.01;
detectOptions.pythonVersion = '' ;


xp.setDetectOptions( detectOptions );

%% Batch Ilastik Pre-Processing ===========================================
% In this section we load the formatted time series data and render the
% .tif files into sub-sampled .h5 files appropriate for segmentation in
% Ilastik
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% NOTE: This section is slow - it requires us to load and format the raw
% data stack of each individual time point.  If you are just following
% along with the tutorial, skip this section - it has already been done for
% you!

% Create the directory that will hold the Ilastik prep files
if ~exist(fullfile(projectDir, 'prepFiles'), 'dir')
mkdir(fullfile(projectDir, 'prepFiles'));

for t = xp.fileMeta.timePoints

prepFileName = fullfile( projectDir, sprintf( [ 'prepFiles/' ...
masterSettings.fn ], t ) );

if ~exist(prepFileName, 'file')


detectOptions.fileName = prepFileName;
detectOptions.timepoint = xp.currentTime;




clear prepFileName

%% Batch Creation of Ilastik Prediction ===================================
% At this point the user should switch to Ilastik and train to create a
% pixel probability map using the sub-sampled prep files.  Don't work too
% hard here! You dont have to train on every single time point.  Training
% can be performed on a subset of the time series (or even on a single time
% point if you're bold) and used to batch process the rest!
% The rest of this pipeline assumes that the pixel probability maps are
% stored in a folder 'projectDir/probFiles'.  Make sure to set the export
% preferences in Ilastik accordingly!

if ~exist(fullfile(projectDir, 'probFiles'), 'dir')
mkdir(fullfile(projectDir, 'probFiles'));

% NOTE: This section is slow - it requires us to complete an Ilastik
% training workflow and batch process each time point in the data set.  If
% you are just following along with the tutorial, skip this section - it
% has already been done for you!

%% Create MorphSnakes Level Sets from Ilastik Probabilities Output ========

% Detect the Surface at the First Time Point ------------------------------

% The name of the probability file used for detection
probFileName = fullfile( projectDir, ...
sprintf( [ 'probFiles/' masterSettings.fn ], ...
xp.fileMeta.timePoints(1) ) );

% Update detector options
detectOptions.fileName = probFileName;
detectOptions.timepoint = xp.fileMeta.timePoints(1);

xp.setDetectOptions( detectOptions );

% Calling detectSurface() runs the morphsnakes detection protocol

% Detect the Surfaces at all Subsequent Time Points -----------------------

for t = xp.fileMeta.timePoints(2:end)

tidx = xp.tIdx(t);

% The name of the probability file used for detection
probFileName = fullfile( projectDir, ...
sprintf( [ 'probFiles/' masterSettings.fn ], t ) );

% Update detector options
detectOptions.fileName = probFileName;
detectOptions.timepoint = t;

% Use the previous time points surface as an initial guess
detectOptions.init_ls_fn = sprintf([detectOptions.ofn_ls '%06d.h5'], ...

xp.setDetectOptions( detectOptions );

% Calling detectSurface() runs the morphsnakes detection protocol


clear probFileName

%% Generate Point Cloud/Mesh from Level Set ===============================
% This section extracts a simplied point set from the volumetric level set
% corresponding to the cylindrical surface of the heart and then constructs
% a watertight mesh using Poisson surface reconstruction. The
close all; clc;

% Create a directory to hold the output point cloud files
if ~exist(fullfile(projectDir, 'objFiles'),'dir')
mkdir(fullfile(projectDir, 'objFiles'));

% Create a directory to hold the output mesh files
if ~exist(fullfile(projectDir, 'meshFiles'),'dir')
mkdir(fullfile(projectDir, 'meshFiles'));

for t = xp.fileMeta.timePoints()

fprintf('Now processing timepoint T=%d\n', t);

pointCloudFileName = fullfile( projectDir, ...
sprintf('objFiles/pointCloud_T%03d.obj', t) );

meshFileName = fullfile( projectDir, ...
sprintf('meshFiles/mesh_T%03d.off', t) );

if ~exist(pointCloudFileName, 'file')

% Extract the implicit level set as a 3D binary array

% The file name of the current time point
implicitLSFile = fullfile( detectOptions.mslsDir, ...
sprintf( 'msls_DP_%06d.h5', t ) );

% The 3D binary array
bwLS = h5read( implicitLSFile, '/implicit_levelset' );

% Keep only the largest connected component from the implicit
% levelset
bwCC = bwconncomp(bwLS);
[~, maxID] = max(cellfun(@numel, bwCC.PixelIdxList));
bwLS = false(size(bwLS));
bwLS(bwCC.PixelIdxList{maxID}) = true;

% Fill in holes in the volume
bwLS = imfill( bwLS, 'holes' );

% Re-assess level set quality
bwCC = bwconncomp(bwLS);
if( bwCC.NumObjects ~= 1 )
warning('Level set is multiply connected!');

bwCC = bwconncomp(~bwLS);
if ( bwCC.NumObjects ~= 1 )
warning( 'Level set complement is multiply connected!');

% Skeletonize each cross section of the binary volume to produce a
% minimal point set
bwLS0 = permute(bwLS, [2 3 1]);
bwLS = false(size(bwLS0));
for i = 1:size(bwLS,3)
bwLS(:,:,i) = bwskel(bwLS0(:,:,i));
bwCC = bwconncomp(bwLS);

% Extract the (x,y,z)-locations of the level set points
% (in pixel space)
clear P
[ P(:,1), P(:,2), P(:,3) ] = ind2sub( size(bwLS), ...
vertcat(bwCC.PixelIdxList{:}) );

% Rescale boundary pixel locations to the size of the image stack
P = (P-1) * detectOptions.ssfactor + 1;

% Downsample/denoise the point set
PC = pointCloud(P);
PC = pcdownsample(PC, 'nonuniformGridSample', 18); %150
% PC = pcdenoise(PC, 'NumNeighbors', 24, 'Threshold', 2.5); % 24
P = PC.Location;

fprintf('Number of points = %d\n', size(P,1));

% Estimate Point Set Normals

param = struct();
param.estimation_procedure = 2; % Uses PCA normal estimation
param.number_of_neighbors = 18;
orient_neighbors = 12;

% P0 = P;
[ PN, P, oriented ] = point_set_normals( P, param, ...
orient_neighbors );

% Check to see if any points were removed during normal orientation
if oriented
warning(['Point set normal orientation procedure', ...
'removed points from the input set!']);

% View results ----------------------------------------------------
% ssf = false( size(P,1), 1 );
% sst = false( size(P,1), 1 );
% sst(1:5:end) = true;
% % sst = true( size(P, 1), 1 );
% scatter3(  P([sst; ssf; ssf]), P([ssf; sst; ssf]), ...
%     P([ssf; ssf; sst]), 'filled' );
% hold on
% quiver3( P([sst; ssf; ssf]), P([ssf; sst; ssf]), ...
%     P([ssf; ssf; sst]), ...
%     PN([sst; ssf; ssf]), PN([ssf; sst; ssf]), ...
%     PN([ssf; ssf; sst]), ...
%     1, 'LineWidth', 2 );
% axis equal
% hold off

% Upsample Point Set

numPoints = 3000; % The number of output points
sharpnessAngle = 90; % Controls the sharpness of the results
edgeSensitvity = 0; % Controls sampling density near inferred edges
neighborRadius = eps; % Initial neighbor radius

[PU, PNU] = upsample_point_set( P, PN, numPoints, sharpnessAngle, ...
edgeSensitvity, neighborRadius );

% View results ----------------------------------------------------
% ssf = false( size(PU,1), 1 );
% sst = true( size(PU, 1), 1 );
% % sst = false( size(P,1), 1 );
% % sst(1:50:end) = true;
% scatter3(  PU([sst; ssf; ssf]), PU([ssf; sst; ssf]), ...
%     PU([ssf; ssf; sst]), 'filled' );
% hold on
% quiver3( PU([sst; ssf; ssf]), PU([ssf; sst; ssf]), ...
%     PU([ssf; ssf; sst]), ...
%     PNU([sst; ssf; ssf]), PNU([ssf; sst; ssf]), ...
%     PNU([ssf; ssf; sst]), ...
%     1, 'LineWidth', 2 );
% axis equal
% hold off

% Output Point Cloud/Mesh Files

% Output point cloud file
OBJ = struct();
OBJ.vertices = PU;
OBJ.vertices_normal = PNU;
OBJ.objects(1).data.vertices = [];
OBJ.objects(1).data.normal = [];
write_wobj(OBJ, pointCloudFileName );


% Read in point cloud from file
[PU, ~, ~, ~, PNU, ~] = readOBJ(pointCloudFileName);


if ~exist(meshFileName, 'file')

% Generate Mesh From Point Cloud

poisson_surface_reconstruction(PU, PNU, 'poisson_mesh.off');

% Read in result from file and delete original file
[V, F, ~, ~, ~] = readOFF('poisson_mesh.off');

% Clean mesh surface ----------------------------------------------

% Isotropically remesh the surface
tar_length = 10;
num_iter = 5;
protect_constraints = false;
[F, V, ~, ~] = isotropic_remeshing( F, V, ...
tar_length, num_iter, protect_constraints );

% Attempt to remove localized mesh spikes by Laplacian relaxation
V = relax_mesh_spikes(F, V, deg2rad(60), pi/2, ...
'uniform', [], 2, 'implicit', 1000);

% Try to remove self-intersections
[intersects, ~] = mesh_self_intersection_3d(F, V);
intCount = 0;
while intersects

[V, F] = clean_mesh(V, F, 'MinDist', 0, 'MinArea', 0, ...
'MinAngle', 0, 'SelfIntersections', 'remove', ...
'SmallTriangles', 'remove');

% Peform a another isotropic remeshing
[F, V, ~, ~] = isotropic_remeshing(F, V, ...
tar_length, num_iter, protect_constraints);

% Another round of spike relaxation
V = relax_mesh_spikes(F, V, deg2rad(60), pi/2, ...
'uniform', [], 2, 'implicit', 1000);

[intersects, ~] = mesh_self_intersection_3d(F, V);

intCount = intCount + 1;
if intCount > 20
error('Unable to remove self-intersections');


% Another round of isotropic remeshing
[F, V, ~, ~] = isotropic_remeshing(F, V, ...
tar_length, num_iter, protect_constraints);

% Smooth the entire mesh fixing the boundary
V = laplacian_smooth(V, F, 'cotan', [], 0.025, 'implicit', V, 10);

% Peform a final isotropic remeshing
[F, V, ~, ~] = isotropic_remeshing(F, V, ...
tar_length, num_iter, protect_constraints);

% Mesh quality checks ---------------------------------------------

E = edges(triangulation(F, V));

numBdy = numel(DiscreteRicciFlow.compute_boundaries(F));
if (numBdy ~= 0)
error( ['Mesh at time point T = %d has %d ' ...
'boundary components'], t, numBdy );

eulerChi = size(F,1) + size(V,1) - size(E,1);
if (eulerChi ~= 2)
error( ['Mesh at time point T = %d is not ' ...
'a topological sphere'], t );

[intersects, ~] = mesh_self_intersection_3d(F, V);
if intersects
error( ['Mesh at time point T = %d contains ' ...
'self-intersections'], t );

% hold on
% trisurf(triangulation(F, V), 'FaceColor', 0.8 * ones([1 3]));
% hold off

% Output Mesh Files

writeOFF(meshFileName, V, F);



clear pointCloudFileName meshFileName implicitLSFile
clear bwLS bwCC maxID bwLS0 P PC param P0 oriented sst ssf
clear numPoints sharpnessAngle edgeSensitivity neighborRadius OBJ
clear tar_length num_iter protect_constraintsintCount

clear E numBdy eulerChi intersects
clear PU PNU F V

%% View Point Cloud Intersection with Data ================================
close all; clc;

% Choose time point to be visualized
t = xp.currentTime;

% Load raw image data
if ((t ~= xp.currentTime) || isempty(xp.stack))

% Load point cloud from file
pointCloudFileName = fullfile( projectDir, ...
sprintf('objFiles/pointCloud_T%03d.obj', t) );

v3D = readOBJ(pointCloudFileName);

% Choose the slice to be visualized ---------------------------------------
sliceNum = 100;
sliceDim = 'z';

if strcmpi(sliceDim, 'x')
sliceDimNum = 1;
plotDim = [2 3];
elseif strcmpi(sliceDim, 'y')
sliceDimNum = 2;
plotDim = [3 1];
elseif strcmpi(sliceDim, 'z')
sliceDimNum = 3;
plotDim = [1 2];
error('Invalid slice dimension');

% Find point cloud intersection with the image plane ----------------------
incThresh = 1;
inPlane = abs(v3D(:, sliceDimNum) - sliceNum) <= incThresh;

% Generate figure ---------------------------------------------------------
imshow( xp.stack.getSlice( sliceDim, sliceNum ), [] );

hold on

% scatter3(v3D(inPlane, 1), v3D(inPlane, 2), v3D(inPlane, 3), 'filled', 'r');
scatter(v3D(inPlane, plotDim(1)), v3D(inPlane, plotDim(2)), 'filled', 'r');

hold off

clear t tidx pointCloudFileName v3D sliceNum sliceDim sliceDimNum
clear incThresh inPlane plotDim

%% View Mesh Intersection With Data (Uses 'gptoolbox') ====================
close all; clc;

% Choose time point to be visualized
t = xp.currentTime;

% Load raw image data
if ((t ~= xp.currentTime) || isempty(xp.stack))

% Load mesh from file
meshFile = fullfile( projectDir, sprintf('meshFiles/mesh_T%03d.off', t) );
[V, F, ~, ~, ~] = readOFF(meshFile);
% V = V(:, [3 2 1]); % Re-order axes for visualization purposes

% mesh = read_ply_mod('MorphSnakesOutput/mesh_DP_000001.ply');
% trisurf(triangulation(mesh.f, mesh.v)); axis equal
% [F, V, ~, ~] = isotropic_remeshing(mesh.f, mesh.v, 10, 5);
% oldV = V;
% V = oldV(:, [2 1 3]);

% Choose the slice to be visualized ---------------------------------------
sliceNum = 500; % round(1345/2);
sliceDim = 'x';

if strcmpi(sliceDim, 'x')
sliceDimNum = 1;
plotDim = [2 3];
elseif strcmpi(sliceDim, 'y')
sliceDimNum = 2;
plotDim = [3 1];
elseif strcmpi(sliceDim, 'z')
sliceDimNum = 3;
plotDim = [1 2];
error('Invalid slice dimension');

% Calculate the contour intersection of the mesh with the plane -----------
[U, UF, ~, ~, ~, ~] = slice_isolines(V, F, V(:, sliceDimNum), ...
sliceNum, 'Manifold', true);
UE = edges(triangulation(UF, U));

inSlice = find(abs(U(:, sliceDimNum) - sliceNum) < 1e-10);
C = U(inSlice, :);
CE = UE(all(ismember(UE, inSlice),2), :);
CE = changem(CE, 1:size(C,1), inSlice);

% Generate figure ---------------------------------------------------------
imshow( xp.stack.getSlice( sliceDim, sliceNum ), [] );
hold on

% scatter3(C(:,1), C(:,2), C(:,3), 'filled', 'r');

for i = 1:size(CE,1)

plot([C(CE(i,1), plotDim(1)); C(CE(i,2), plotDim(1))], ...
[C(CE(i,1), plotDim(2)); C(CE(i,2), plotDim(2))], ...
'-or', 'LineWidth', 2, 'MarkerFaceColor', 'r');


hold off

% trisurf(triangulation(UF, U), 'FaceColor', 0.8*[1 1 1]);
% hold on
% scatter3(C(:,1), C(:,2), C(:,3), 'filled', 'r');
% for i = 1:size(CE,1)
%     plot3([C(CE(i,1),1); C(CE(i,2),1)], ...
%         [C(CE(i,1),2); C(CE(i,2),2)], ...
%         [C(CE(i,1),3); C(CE(i,2),3)], '-ob', 'LineWidth', 2);
% end
% hold off
% xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('z');
% axis equal

clear t tidx  meshFIleC CE UE C plotDim
clear AC GC U UF inSlice sliceNum sliceDim sliceDimNum

%% View the Data on the Mesh Surface ======================================
close all; clc

% Choose time point to be visualized
t = xp.currentTime;

% Load raw image data
if ((t ~= xp.currentTime) || isempty(xp.stack))

% Load mesh from file
meshFile = fullfile( projectDir, sprintf('meshFiles/mesh_T%03d.off', t) );
[V, F, ~, ~, ~] = readOFF(meshFile);

% The raw data image stack
IV = xp.stack.image.apply();
IV = double(IV{1})/65535;
% IV{1} = imadjustn(IV{1});
% IV{2} = imadjustn(IV{2});
% IV{3} = zeros(size(IV{1})); % RGB requires 3 channels

% Texture patch options
textureOptions = struct();
textureOptions.EdgeColor = 'none';
textureOptions.numLayers = [2, 2];
textureOptions.layerSpacing = 2;

texture_patch_3d( F, V, F, V(:, [2 1 3]), IV, textureOptions);
axis equal
colormap bone

clear IV textureOptions t V F meshFile

%% Inspect All Meshes in 3D ===============================================
close all; clc;

for t = xp.fileMeta.timePoints()

% Load the mesh
meshFile = fullfile( projectDir, sprintf('meshFiles/mesh_T%03d.off', t) );
[V, F, ~, ~, ~] = readOFF(meshFile);

% Plot the mesh in 3d. Color here by Z coordinate
trisurf(F, V(:, 1), V(:, 2), V(:, 3), ...
V(:, 3), 'EdgeColor', 'none', 'FaceAlpha', 0.5)

hold on
scatter3(V(any(V<=0.5,2),1), V(any(V<=0.5,2),2), V(any(V<=0.5,2),3), ...
'filled', 'r');
hold off

title(['t=' num2str(t)])
axis equal
view([-80 0]);
% view(1)


clear meshFile V F

%% ************************************************************************
% *************************************************************************
% *************************************************************************
% *************************************************************************

%% Set Up TubULAR Directories =============================================
overwrite = false ;
if ~exist('TubULAR_Results', 'dir')

mkdir(fullfile(projectDir, 'TubULAR_Results'));

% Re-write meshes into the format used by TubULAR
for t = xp.fileMeta.timePoints()

outputMeshFile = fullfile( projectDir, ...
detectOptions.ofn_smoothply '%06d.ply'], t) );

if ~exist(outputMeshFile, 'file') || overwrite

% Load the mesh
meshFile = fullfile( projectDir, ...
sprintf('meshFiles/mesh_T%03d.off', t) );
[V, F, ~, ~, ~] = readOFF(meshFile);

VN = per_vertex_normals(V, F, 'Weighting', 'angle');
VN = normalizerow(VN);

plywrite_with_normals(outputMeshFile, F, V, VN);



clear t meshFile V F VN outputMeshFile


%% Initialize the TubULAR Object ==========================================
close all; clc;

tubOpts = struct();
tubOpts.meshDir = fullfile(projectDir, 'TubULAR_Results');      % Director where meshes produced in previous part reside. All TubULAR results will be stored relative to this directory
tubOpts.flipy = masterSettings.flipy;               % Set to true if data volume axes are inverted in chirality wrt physical lab coordinates
tubOpts.timeInterval = masterSettings.timeInterval; % Spacing between adjacent timepoints in units of timeUnits
tubOpts.timeUnits = masterSettings.timeUnits;       % Units of time, so that adjacent timepoints are timeUnits * timeInterval apart
tubOpts.spaceUnits = masterSettings.spaceUnits;     % Units of space in LaTeX, for ex '$mu$m' for micron
tubOpts.nU = masterSettings.nU;         % How many points along the longitudinal axis to sample surface
tubOpts.nV = masterSettings.nV;         % How many points along the circumferential axis to sample surface
tubOpts.t0 = xp.fileMeta.timePoints(1); % Reference timepoint used to define surface-Lagrangian and Lagrangian measurements
tubOpts.normalShift = 2;        % Additional dilation acting on surface for texture mapping
tubOpts.a_fixed = 2.0;          % Fixed aspect ratio of pullback images. Setting to 1.0 is most conformal mapping option.
tubOpts.adjustlow = 1.00;       % Floor for intensity adjustment
tubOpts.adjusthigh = 99.9;      % ceil for intensity adjustment (clip)
tubOpts.phiMethod = 'curved3d'; % Method for following surface in surface-Lagrangian mapping [(s,phi) coordinates]
tubOpts.lambda_mesh = 0;        % Smoothing applied to the mesh before DEC measurements
tubOpts.lambda = 0;             % Smoothing applied to computed values on the surface
tubOpts.lambda_err = 0;         % Additional smoothing parameter, optional

disp('defining TubULAR class instance (tubi= tubular instance)')
tubi = TubULAR(xp, tubOpts) ;
disp('done defining TubULAR instance')

clear tubOpts

%% Inspect All Meshes in 3D (TubULAR Style) ===============================

for tp = xp.fileMeta.timePoints

% Load the mesh
meshfn = sprintf( tubi.fullFileBase.mesh, tp );
mesh = read_ply_mod(meshfn);

% Plot the mesh in 3D
trisurf(mesh.f, mesh.v(:, 1), mesh.v(:, 2), mesh.v(:, 3), ...
mesh.v(:, 3), 'Edgecolor', 'none', 'Facealpha', 0.5);
title(['t=' num2str(tp)]);
axis equal
view([-80 0]);



clear tp meshfn mesh

%% Obtain APDV Coordinates of the Surface =================================
% There are ftwo options for obtaining these coordinates.
%   1. Automatically determine A and P by the extremal points of the
%   surface mesh along the elongated axis of the mesh, and define DV as
%   pointing perpendicular to this.
%   2. Train in iLastik for an anterior spot in 3d (A), a posterior spot in
%   3d (P), and a spot which is dorsal to the line connecting A and P. Any
%   dorsal point is fine, as long as it points dorsal to the AP axis
%   defined by A and P. See picture below.
%     example:
%                 D
%                 |
%                 |
%       A -----------------P
% Here we use option 1.
% Define global orientation frame (for viewing in canonical frame)
% Compute APDV coordinate system
alignAPDVOpts = struct() ;
alignAPDVOpts.overwrite = false ;
tubi.computeAPDVCoords(alignAPDVOpts) ;

%% Determine A-P Points/Endcaps From Point Cloud ==========================
close all; clc;

figure('units', 'normalized', ...
'outerposition', [0.5 0 0.5 1],  'color', [1 1 1]);

% Store point LOCATIONS
apts = zeros(numel(xp.fileMeta.timePoints), 3);
ppts = zeros(numel(xp.fileMeta.timePoints), 3);

% Store encap vertex IDs
allAntEndCaps = cell(numel(xp.fileMeta.timePoints), 3);
allPosEndCaps = cell(numel(xp.fileMeta.timePoints), 3);

for t = xp.fileMeta.timePoints()

tidx = xp.tIdx(t);
fprintf('Processing time point T = %d\n', t);

% Read in point cloud from file
pointCloudFileName = fullfile( projectDir, ...
sprintf('objFiles/pointCloud_T%03d.obj', t) );
[P, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~] = readOBJ(pointCloudFileName);

% Read in mesh from file
meshFileName = sprintf( tubi.fullFileBase.mesh, t );
mesh = read_ply_mod(meshFileName);
V = mesh.v; F = mesh.f;
E = edges(triangulation(F,V));

% Determine vertex neighbor 1-rings
allNIDx = cell(size(V,1), 1);
for i = 1:size(V,1)
nIDx = unique(E(any(E == i, 2), :));
nIDx(nIDx == i) = [];
allNIDx{i} = nIDx(:);

% Format Point Cloud for Endcap Extraction ----------------------------
% Point cloud is matched to mesh vertices. The point cloud then
% undergoes several rounds of topological erosion/dilation to smooth
% out the boundaries of contiguous regions not included in the point
% set

% Point match the point cloud to mesh vertices
PVIDx = unique(knnsearch(V, P));

inPC = ismember((1:size(V,1)).', PVIDx);

% Dilate the point set - points that are adjacent to points contained
% within the set, but are not currently contained within the set are
% added to the set
dilateIter = 5;
for i = 1:dilateIter

% Find all points adjacent to points in the point set
adjIDx = vertcat(allNIDx{inPC});

newIDx = ~inPC & ismember((1:size(V,1)).', adjIDx);
inPC(newIDx) = true;


% Erode the point set - boundary points, that are included in the point
% set, but adjacent to points that are not included in the point set,
% are removed from the point set
erodeIter = 5;
for i = 1:erodeIter

% Find all points adjacent to points that are NOT in the point set
adjIDx = vertcat(allNIDx{~inPC});

bdyIDx = inPC & ismember((1:size(V,1)).', adjIDx);
inPC(bdyIDx) = false;


PVIDx = find(inPC);

% Determine A-P Points and Endcaps ------------------------------------
% This method works by removing all points with distances below a user
% specified threshold and then denoting the two largest remaining mesh
% components as the respective endcaps. This method will FAIL for
% pathological cases with strange connectivity (e.g. the two
% prospective endcap regions are connected by a thin band of vertices).
% Empirical testing for this data set show that the anterior cap ALWAYS
% has more vertices than the posterior cap - if this were not true the
% user could use spatial orientation information to delineate which cap

% Determine the distance of each mesh vertex from the nearest vertex
% matched to a point cloud point
D = heat_geodesic(V, F, PVIDx, [], 'Legacy', true);

Dthresh = 10;
[FP, VP, ~, ~] = remove_vertex_from_mesh(F, V, D < Dthresh);
FP(any(FP == 0, 2), :) = [];
[FP, VP, ~, ~, ~] = remove_unreferenced_vertices_from_mesh(FP, VP);

[~, VA, AIDx, ~] = remove_isolated_mesh_components(FP, VP);
[FP, VP, ~, ~] = remove_vertex_from_mesh(FP, VP, AIDx);
FP(any(FP == 0, 2), :) = [];
[FP, VP, ~, ~, ~] = remove_unreferenced_vertices_from_mesh(FP, VP);
[~, VP, ~, ~] = remove_isolated_mesh_components(FP, VP);

AIDx = knnsearch(V, VA);
PIDx = knnsearch(V, VP);

% The A-P points are simply taken to be the locations of maximum
% distance within each patch
[~, AID] = max(D(AIDx)); AID = AIDx(AID);
[~, PID] = max(D(PIDx)); PID = PIDx(PID);

apts(tidx, :) = V(AID, :);
ppts(tidx, :) = V(PID, :);

allAntEndCaps{tidx} = AIDx(:);
allPosEndCaps{tidx} = PIDx(:);

% View Results --------------------------------------------------------

trisurf(triangulation(F, V), D, ...
'FaceColor', 'interp', 'EdgeColor', 'k');
hold on
scatter3(V(PVIDx,1), V(PVIDx,2), V(PVIDx,3), 'filled', 'k');
scatter3(V(AIDx,1), V(AIDx,2), V(AIDx,3), 'filled', 'g')
scatter3(V(PIDx,1), V(PIDx,2), V(PIDx,3), 'filled', 'c')
scatter3(V(AID,1), V(AID,2), V(AID,3), 'filled', 'r')
scatter3(V(PID,1), V(PID,2), V(PID,3), 'filled', 'm')
hold off
axis equal
view([-85, -45]);
title(sprintf('T = %d\n', t));



clear t tidx pointCloudFileName P PN meshFileName V F E
clear allNIDx i nIDx PVIDx inPC dilateIter adjIDx newIDx
clear erodeIter bdyIDx D Dthresh FP VP FA VA AIDx PIDx AID PID ts

%% Save A-P Points for Centerline Computation =============================

apdvOpts = struct();
apdvOpts.overwrite = false;
apdvOpts.custom_apts = apts;
apdvOpts.custom_ppts = ppts;
apdvOpts.smwindow = -1;

[apts_sm, ppts_sm] = tubi.computeAPDpoints(apdvOpts);

%% Align Meshes in the APDV Global Frame and Plot Them ====================
fprintf('Aligning/plotting meshes... ');

%% Plot All Textured Meshes in 3D (OPTIONAL: this is SLOW) ================
% Establish texture patch options
metadat = struct() ;
metadat.reorient_faces = false ;            % set to true if some mesh normals may be inverted (requires gptoolbox if true)
metadat.normal_shift = tubi.normalShift ;   % normal push, in pixels, along normals defined in data XYZ space
metadat.texture_axis_order = [1 2 3] ;      % texture space sampling. If the surface and dataspace have axis permutation, enter that here
textureOptions.PSize = 5 ;          % Psize is the linear dimension of the grid drawn on each triangular face. Set PSize > 1 for refinement of texture on each triangle of the surface triangulation. Higher numbers are slower but give more detailed images.
textureOptions.numLayers = [0, 0];  % how many layers to MIP over/bundle into stack, as [outward, inward]
textureOptions.layerSpacing = 2 ;   % Distance between layers over which we take MIP, in pixels,

% Plot on surface for all timepoints
tubi.plotSeriesOnSurfaceTexturePatch(metadat, textureOptions)

%% Extract Centerlines ====================================================
% Note: these just need to be 'reasonable' centerlines for topological
% checks on the orbifold cuts. Therefore, use as large a resolution ('res')
% as possible that still forms a centerline passing through the mesh
% surface, since the centerline computed here is just for constraining the
% mapping to the plane.
cntrlineOpts.overwrite = false ;         % overwrite previous results
cntrlineOpts.overwrite_ims = false ;     % overwrite previous results
cntrlineOpts.weight = 0.1;               % for speedup of centerline extraction. Larger is less precise
cntrlineOpts.exponent = 1.0 ;            % how heavily to scale distance transform for speed through voxel
cntrlineOpts.res = 4.0 ;                 % resolution of distance tranform grid in which to compute centerlines
cntrlineOpts.preview = true ;           % preview intermediate results
cntrlineOpts.reorient_faces = false ;    % not needed for our well-constructed meshes
cntrlineOpts.dilation = 0 ;              % how many voxels to dilate the segmentation inside/outside before path computation
% Note: this can take about 400s per timepoint for res=2.0, so use as big a
%   res value as possible.

fprintf('Extracting centerlines... ');

%% Identify Anomalies in Centerline Data ==================================

idOptions.ssr_thes = 15; % Distance of sum squared residuals in 'spaceUnits'
% as a threshold for removing spurious centerlines

fprintf('Cleaning centerlines... ');

%% Generate Cylindrical Mesh ==============================================
% Transforms a topological sphere into a topological cylinder

% Look for options on disk. If not saved, define options
overwrite_endcap_options = false;
if ~exist(tubi.fileName.endcapOptions, 'file') || overwrite_endcap_options

endcapOpts = struct( ...
'custom_aidx', allAntEndCaps, ...  % Points that will be removed to create the anterior endcap
'custom_pidx', allPosEndCaps, ...  % Points that will be removed to create the posterior endcap
'tref', tubi.t0);   % Reference timepoint at which time dorsal-most endcap vertices are defined


% Save the options to disk


% load endcapOpts
endcapOpts = tubi.endcapOptions;


methodOpts.overwrite = true;
methodOpts.save_figs = true;    % save images of cutMeshes along the way
methodOpts.preview = false;     % display intermediate results
tubi.sliceMeshEndcaps(endcapOpts, methodOpts) ;

clear overwrite_endcap_options

%% Clean Cylinder Meshes ==================================================
% This removes "ears" from the endcaps of the tubular meshes (cylindrical
% meshes)

cleanCylOptions = struct() ;
cleanCylOptions.overwrite = false ;

fprintf('Cleaning cylinder meshes... ');

%% Generate Orbifold Cut Meshes ===========================================
% Begin populating tubi.dir.mesh/gridCoords_nUXXXX_nVXXXX/

overwrite = true;

% Iterate Through Time Points to Create Pullbacks
for tt = tubi.xp.fileMeta.timePoints
disp(['NOW PROCESSING TIME POINT ', num2str(tt)]);
tidx = xp.tIdx(tt);

% Load the data for the current time point
tubi.setTime(tt) ;

% Create the Cut Mesh
cutMeshfn = sprintf(tubi.fullFileBase.cutMesh, tt) ;
cutPathfn = sprintf(tubi.fullFileBase.cutPath, tt) ;
if ~exist(cutMeshfn, 'file') || ~exist(cutPathfn, 'file') || overwrite
if exist(cutMeshfn, 'file')
disp('Overwriting cutMesh...') ;
disp('cutMesh not found on disk. Generating cutMesh... ');
options = struct() ;
disp('Saving cutP image')
% Plot the cutPath (cutP) in 3D
tubi.plotCutPath(tubi.currentMesh.cutMesh, tubi.currentMesh.cutPath)
compute_pullback = true ;
fprintf('Loading Cut Mesh from disk... ');
compute_pullback = ~isempty(tubi.currentMesh.cutPath) ;

spcutMeshOptions = struct() ;
spcutMeshOptions.t0_for_phi0 = tubi.t0set() ;  % which timepoint do we define corners of pullback map
spcutMeshOptions.save_phi0patch = false ;
spcutMeshOptions.iterative_phi0 = false ;
spcutMeshOptions.smoothingMethod = 'none' ;
tubi.plotting.preview = false ;
tubi.generateCurrentSPCutMesh([], spcutMeshOptions) ;

% Compute the pullback if the cutMesh is ok
if compute_pullback || ~exist(sprintf(tubi.fullFileBase.im_sp, tt), 'file')
pbOptions = struct() ;
tubi.generateCurrentPullbacks([], [], [], pbOptions) ;
disp('Skipping computation of pullback')

disp('Done with generating spcutMeshes and cutMeshes')

%% Inspect Coordinate System Charts Using (s,phi) Coordinate system ('sp')
options = struct() ;
options.coordSys = 'sp' ;

%% Smooth the (s, phi) Grid Meshes in Time ================================
options = struct() ;
options.overwrite = false ;
options.width = 4 ;  % width of kernel, in #timepoints, to use in smoothing meshes
tubi.smoothDynamicSPhiMeshes(options) ;
clear options

%% Plot the Time-Smoothed Meshes ==========================================
options = struct() ;
options.overwrite = false ;
options.width = 4 ;  % width of kernel, in #timepoints, to use in smoothing meshes
tubi.plotSPCutMeshSmRS(options) ;

%% Inspect coordinate system charts using smoothed meshes
options = struct() ;
options.coordSys = 'spsm' ;
clear options

%% Redo Pullbacks with Time-Smoothed Meshes ===============================
disp('Create pullback using S,Phi coords with time-averaged Meshes')
for tt = tubi.xp.fileMeta.timePoints
disp(['NOW PROCESSING TIME POINT ', num2str(tt)]);
tidx = tubi.xp.tIdx(tt);

% Load the data for the current time point ------------------------
tubi.setTime(tt) ;

% Establish custom Options for MIP --> choose which pullbacks to use
pbOptions = struct() ;
pbOptions.numLayers = [0 0] ; % how many onion layers over which to take MIP
pbOptions.generate_spsm = true ;
pbOptions.generate_sp = false ;
pbOptions.overwrite = false ;
tubi.generateCurrentPullbacks([], [], [], pbOptions) ;

%% ************************************************************************
% *************************************************************************
% *************************************************************************
% *************************************************************************

%% Tile/Extend Smoothed Images in Y and Re-save ===========================
% Skip if already done
options = struct() ;
options.coordsys = 'spsm' ;

%% Perform PIV on Pullback MIPS ===========================================
% % Compute PIV either with built-in phase correlation or in PIVLab
options = struct() ;
options.overwrite = false ;
tubi.measurePIV2d(options) ;

%% Measure Velocities =====================================================
disp(['Making map from pixel to xyz to compute velocities ' ...
'in 3d for smoothed meshes...']);
options = struct() ;
options.show_v3d_on_data = false ;
tubi.measurePIV3d(options) ;

%% Lagrangian dynamics
%% Pullback pathline time averaging of velocities
options = struct() ;
% Velocity plots for pathline time averaging
options.plot_vxyz = false ;
options.invertImage = true ;
options.averagingStyle = 'Lagrangian';
% Divergence and Curl (Helmholtz-Hodge) for Lagrangian
options = struct() ;
options.averagingStyle = 'Lagrangian' ;
options.lambda = 0 ;
options.lambda_mesh = 0 ;
tubi.helmholtzHodge(options) ;

% Compressibility & kinematics for Lagrangian
options = struct() ;

%% Metric Kinematics Kymographs & Correlations -- Bandwidth Filtered
options = struct() ;
options.overwrite = false ;

%% DYNAMICS of MATERIAL PATHLINES                                        %%
%% Pullback pathlines connecting Lagrangian grids
options = struct() ;
options.overwrite = true ;

%% Query velocities along pathlines
options = struct() ;
% plot the pathline velocities
options = struct() ;
options.gridTopology = 'triangulated' ;
options.overwrite = true ;

% Measure Pathline Kinematics
options = struct() ;
options.overwrite = true ;

% Plot Pathline Kinematics
options = struct() ;
options.overwrite = true ;

%% Create ricci mesh at t0 to measure Beltrami coefficient in pathlines
options = struct() ;
options.climit = 1 ;
options.coordSys = 'ricci' ;
tubi.measureBeltramiCoefficient(options) ;

%% Strain rate (epsilon = 1/2 (djvi+divj) -vn bij)
options = struct() ;

%% Plot time-averaged strain rates in 3d on mesh
options = struct() ;

%% Kymograph strain rates
options = struct() ;
options.clim_trace = 0.05 ;
options.clim_deviatoric = 0.05 ;

% Measure strain rate along pathlines
options = struct() ;
options.overwriteImages = false ;
options.plot_dzdp = false ;

%% Measure divergence and out-of-plane deformation along pathlines

% Pathline strain rate plots
options = struct() ;
options.climit = 0.05 ;
options.climitWide = 1.0 ;

%% Measure strain along pathlines -- note this is from pathlines, not integrating rates
options = struct() ;
options.plot_dzdp = false ;
options.climitInitial = 0.05 ;
options.climitRamp = 0.01 ;
options.climitRatio = 1 ;

%% Perform PCA
options = struct() ;
options.overwrite = true ;
options.convert_to_period = true ;
options.T = 11 ;
options.NmodesToView = 3 ;
options.nTimePoints2RmEnds = 3 ;
options.drawArrowsInPCA3D = true ;
options.drawArrowsInPCAPlane = true ;
options.meshChoice = 'sphi' ;
options.pcaTypes = {'v3d'} ;
options.plotArrowsOnModes = true ;
options.nArrows = 150 ;
tubi.getPCAoverTime(options) ;

Indices and tables#